LoRaWANCH341 Library
CADRStats | |
CAESCMAC | AES-CMAC Implementation This class provides methods to calculate AES-CMAC and perform AES encryption |
CCH341SPI | A class to interface with the CH341 USB to SPI adapter |
CConfigManager | Manages configuration settings stored in a JSON file |
CLinuxSPI | Implementation of SPIInterface using Linux spidev |
▼CLoRaWAN | Class that provides LoRaWAN protocol implementation |
CImpl | |
CMessage | Structure representing a LoRaWAN message |
CRFM95 | Class for handling RFM95 LoRa module |
▼CSessionManager | |
CSessionData | |
CSPIFactory | Factory class for creating SPI interfaces |
CSPIInterface | Abstract interface for SPI communication |